Education and modernity in Colombia: a reflection based on the postulates of Fernando Cruz Kronfly

  • Adriana María Galvis Cardona Institución Educativa Técnico Nazareth
Keywords: cultural crisis, education, modernity, literary essay, humanism


This paper reflects on the concept of education as a crisis of animist thought and the essay as a manifestation of modernity from the volume of essays La sombrilla planetaria (The Planetary Umbrella) by Fernando Cruz Kronfly. Methodologically, the main essays of this author, in which the concept of crisis is stated, will be taken to later analyse the enlightenment and the rupture of thought that is presented through some essay and literary postulates. An approach to the formal emergence of philosophy in Colombia is generated, taking as reference the social, political and clerical context. The paper concludes with a reflection on the incidence of illustrated thought in the consolidation of an idea of modernity, and through the understanding of the work in human terms and with a perception of its multidimensionality.


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How to Cite
Galvis Cardona, A. M. (2019). Education and modernity in Colombia: a reflection based on the postulates of Fernando Cruz Kronfly. Sophia, 15(2), 98-110.
Artículos de investigación