Analysis of the competitive reality of forest chain in the department of Arauca

  • Eduardo Andrés Botero Cedeño Eduardo Andrés Botero Cedeño. Economista, Especialista en Finanzas y Negocios internacionales de la Escuela de Administración de Negocios de Bogotá EAN y Magister en Administración Económica y Financiera de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira UTP. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Arauca, Grupo de Investigación: GEMA
  • Andrea Constanza Padilla Puerta Ingeniera Ambiental, Especialista en Gerencia Ambiental de la Escuela Superior de Administración Pública ESAP, Magister en Administración de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y candidata a Magister en Gestión Ambiental Sostenible de la Universidad de Los Llanos. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Arauca, Grupo de Investigación: GEMA
Keywords: Economic conditions, regional development, economic planning, public policy, comparative advantage


This article describes the results of an analysis-oriented research named productive stakes of the department of Arauca, specifically the one named forest chain. Such stakes are the result of an exercise of territorial planning, embodied in the Regional Competitiveness Plan of the Department of Arauca, which purpose is to improve the productive system of the region and, directly, living conditions of its communities. The research was aimed at establishing whether there are objective conditions which endorse the commitment to forest production and whether the same may turn into a development pole in the territory. In order to achieve this goal, a multimode qualitative approach was used, through in-depth interviews applied to those able to understand, through a screening process, as relevant actors in the value chain. The analysis of collected information has found that there are no enough arguments to support assigning priority to this economic sector, absence of objective conditions which may consider the same, as an axis of regional development support.


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How to Cite
Botero Cedeño, E. A., & Padilla Puerta, A. C. (2015). Analysis of the competitive reality of forest chain in the department of Arauca. Contexto, 4, 42-49.
Economía y Medio Ambiente