Análisis y aplicación de nuevas Theoretical Perspectives from PNUD on the Regional Report on Multidimensional Progress: Well-being Beyond Income

Keywords: Human Development, Variables, Income, Multidimensional Progress


This report intends to present the main guidelines, established by the UNDP, in the regions that make up Latin America and the Caribbean, with the purpose of promoting human development, through variables that it considers to be of greater relevance and that allow you to reach the established objective, which is to monitor that the well-being of all regions differs not only from income. And that at the same time it is intended to give new guidelines with the application of new variables that integrate and expand such report in order to take into account new models towards human development directed towards the level of quality of life and capabilities, for that case such as education, health and housing with a joint conglomerate to the implementation of public and social policies for the propensity of human development in the regions of Latin America and the Caribbean. The method that is applied in the following investigation is analytical descriptive, which allows asking several questions to lead to the conclusions of the application of new variables and theoretical perspectives that make the aforementioned report.


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Author Biography

Gema Angelica Mendoza Pincay, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Universidad Nacional del Litoral. ORCID:


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How to Cite
Mendoza Pincay, G. A. (2023). Análisis y aplicación de nuevas Theoretical Perspectives from PNUD on the Regional Report on Multidimensional Progress: Well-being Beyond Income. Contexto, 12(1).
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