Analysis of inequality in the Departments of Tolima, Huila and Caquetá: an approximation from the Kuznets curve

Keywords: Living conditions, Growth models, Social inequality


The dichotomy between economic growth and inequality, entry into the debate from the Kuznets studies, this article carries out an empirical study of the validity of the Kuznets hypothesis in the Departments of Tolima, Huila and Caquetá. Initially, the theoretical contributions of the study problem are presented, secondly, an econometric model is proposed to validate the hypothesis, finally, the results obtained are presented, and the discussion of compliance with the Kuznets curve is developed in the context of the 3 selected departments. Once the assumptions of the ordinary least squares methodology had been validated, the curve was constructed showing that for the departments of Tolima and Huila the Kuznets hypothesis is fulfilled, meanwhile, for the department of Caquetá the hypothesis was not rejected


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Author Biographies

José Alejandro Vera Calderón, Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia UNAD
Magister en Administración de Empresas, Administrador de Empresas, Catedrático Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, CEAD Ibagué.
Oscar Mauricio Tejada Duran, Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia UNAD
Magister en dirección estratégica del marketing, profesional en mercadotecnia, Docente Tiempo completo Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia UNAD, CEAD Ibagué
William Guillermo Naranjo Acosta, Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia UNAD, CEAD
Especialista en dirección para el desarrollo de la gestión pública, economista, docente MT Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia UNAD, CEAD Ibagué.


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How to Cite
Vera Calderón, J. A., Tejada Duran, O. M., & Naranjo Acosta, W. G. (2022). Analysis of inequality in the Departments of Tolima, Huila and Caquetá: an approximation from the Kuznets curve. Contexto, 10(1).
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