Specific competences. Tuning in management programs: Colombia and its southwest region

  • Juan Carlos Aguilar Joyas Profesor del Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Magíster en Administración, especialista en Dirección de recursos humanos y Economista. Integrante grupo de investigación GICAD categoría B de Colciencias
Keywords: Academicians, competences, employers, students, Tuning


Parting from research projects performed in Europe and Latin America on Tuning project, this type of study was carried out in Colombia, in order to analyze important aspects of higher education on administrative science, in search of mechanisms which contribute to quality and pertinence of management programs. In front of results, a group of universities and researcher teachers, took Latin America Tuning Project to apply it in all regions of the country, in order to analyze perceptions of academicians, employers, graduated individuals and students on the importance and development of competences, both specific and general, in professional formation. The population sample involved 10.278 individuals, among academicians, students, employers and graduated individuals, representing 70 universities. The results show certain distance between the assumption of actors on importance assigned to some competences, and the degree of development or realization of the same within higher education institutions. In the research, competences related to strategic, tactical and operating statement, as well as leadership development, are the most valued, in contrast to scarce strengthening of competences related to the legal framework of business management, and management of technological structure of the company, as well.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Joyas, J. C. (2015). Specific competences. Tuning in management programs: Colombia and its southwest region. Contexto, 4, 111-117. https://doi.org/10.18634/ctxj.4v.1i.410
Economía Sociedad y Educación