Appropriation of reports social responsibility in higher education institutions in Cali

  • Wilson Romero Palacios Centro Superior Unicuces
  • Ana Mercedes Ocampo Hoyos Centro Superior Unicuces
  • José Fabián Ríos Obando Centro Superior Unicuces
Keywords: Higher education institutions, social responsibility, sustainability


This research reflects an effort to identify the knowledge and appropriation of social balance reports by the academic community in the Higher Education Institutions, IES in the city of Cali.From a random method, three Higher Education Institutions, located in the city of Cali, which a population representative sample of 1,000 people was taken, to which we applied a questionnaire with ten questions that allowed set were selected finally a ignorance and low ownership of the community in relation to the subject at issue.This throws into question the role so far played by different actors, among which the IES, who according to his missionary spirit must lead the academic and research efforts in an attempt to promote a culture of accountability, in a virtuous spiral must generate sustainability scenarios.The results are a challenge at the academy, setting precedents for a training transversal in the curriculum, which contributes to consolidate spaces of discussion about the responsibility of organizations from stakeholders, being it consolidates IES called to play a participatory role as managers and guarantors of the process.


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How to Cite
Romero Palacios, W., Ocampo Hoyos, A. M., & Ríos Obando, J. F. (2016). Appropriation of reports social responsibility in higher education institutions in Cali. Contexto, 5, 129-139.
Artículos Resultado de Investigación