Epistemological review of corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Ricardo Gustavo Molina Valencia Estudiante Maestría en gerencia Estratégica FUNIBER, Profesor Auxiliar Escuela de Administración de Empresas de la Facultad Sede Sogamoso de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Investigador grupo de investigación Management
  • Oscar Ulises González Millán
  • Alexander Niño Mendivelso
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Responsibility, Company.


This article gives an account of the theoretical and epistemological approach of two topics of wide and very important attention in the business and academic world, such as Corporate Government (CG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in the field of business has become one of the competitive advantages of the modern world; likewise, Corporate Governance has been accentuated as one of the best practices in relation to the medium where modern companies develop. In this sense, CSR refers to Stakeholders (interest groups) and CG has a seat in the organs of senior management, which in this case refers to the partners of the company. Regarding methodology, the type and method of study was descriptive - explanatory; the technique used for information gathering was documentary review.


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How to Cite
Molina Valencia, R. G., González Millán, O. U., & Niño Mendivelso, A. (2017). Epistemological review of corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Contexto, 6, 43-56. https://doi.org/10.18634/ctxj.6v.0i.798
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