Análisis de los factores que inciden en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en el Departamento del Quindío y su zona cordillerana

  • Melina García Cruz
  • David Alejandro Rivera Correa
  • Jorge Antonio Molina Pérez
Keywords: Food and Nutritional Security, Nutrition, Economy


Food and nutrition security (SAN), understood as the stage where sufficient and stable food availability is guaranteed accompanied by conditions of safety and constant access to the consumption, is a fundamental component for the development of the different human groups; However, the maintenance of the same has a relationship direct to the sustainability and capacity of the agricultural sector to maintain an offer that can guarantee sufficient quantities for the population.   A look at the local context (Quindío) allows us to identify that the abandonment of the agricultural sector is emerging as a risk factor for the preservation of the food security, in which case the following investigation is reported when reviewing the cases of the mountain range municipalities of Córdoba, Pijao, Genova and Buenavista, which present a decline in their food security conditions; situation that is generalized to a department where the dependency of foreign markets is growing, while the disincentives become greater for a peasantry with low guarantees and high dependence on monocultures whose proliferation conditions the use of land, decreases the supply and variety of foods, thus deteriorating the SAN and consequently the quality of life.


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How to Cite
García Cruz, M., Rivera Correa, D. A., & Molina Pérez, J. A. (2019). Análisis de los factores que inciden en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en el Departamento del Quindío y su zona cordillerana. Contexto, 8.
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