The method of bioclimatic analysis , an application example

  • Ella Lorena Noguera Londoño
Keywords: Climate architecture, characterization climate, bioclimatic analysis, comfort thermo physiological, sustainable development.


This research aims at the development of bioclimatic design strategies in response to climate characterization of different regions. It is based on bioclimatic analysis method, designed by Victor Olgyay (1910-1970) a report on which architectural recommendations are presented. Beyond sharing particular reports, the purpose is to create a primer Seed (under construction) to support the development of architectural design. This activity becomes a source of technical information that allows to know in detail the climatic behavior of a place and thus establish strategies for bioclimatic design with comfort thermophysiological conditions (Givoni) The bioclimatic study focuses on aspects that benefit the environment and individuals. For example, by making the most efficient energy consumption habitats regarding the production of greenhouse gases and the cost of utility bills is reduced. And not least, the implementation of project models to specific climatic conditions affects the thermo physiological comfort of human beings, that is, to improve their living conditions. In the background, the research stems from the growing concern for contributing to global sustainability from architecture.


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How to Cite
Noguera Londoño, E. L. (2015). The method of bioclimatic analysis , an application example. UGCiencia, 21, 48-59.
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