Comparative public administration: analysis of efficiency in the ministries Mipro and Mintel - Ecuador

Keywords: public administration, Efficiency, quality, productivity, development


The present work focuses on obtaining the analysis from the application of research techniques such as: observation and interview, which is carried out towards the relevant actors of two ministries of the Ecuadorian State, the Ministry of Industries and Productivity (MIPRO) and the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL), with the aim of evidencing comparisons in the field of public administration, taking efficiency as the purpose of administration for this activity, with the participation of the New Public Management model, which is applied following the guidelines of the Ecuadorian constitution of 2008. Therefore, this comparison leads to conclusions based on the productive, operational capacity and the development of human talent with the use of the budget and thus, obtain efficiency in the public administration of these two Ecuadorian government organizations.


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How to Cite
Morejón Santistevan, M. E. (2021). Comparative public administration: analysis of efficiency in the ministries Mipro and Mintel - Ecuador. Contexto, 9(1), 57-65.
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