Fortalecer el perfil laboral es posible implementando estrategias de Marketing Personal
La solución está en sus manos
graduates, first job, personal marketing, marketing strategy, soft skills
This article is the result of the research called "Personal Marketing Orientation Tools for Dismissed ECACEN Graduates of CEAD Ibagué in Job Search", which has as its main objective to provide technological and didactic tools focused on the development of soft skills and improvement of the Professional profile of the graduates of the ECACEN school of CEAD Ibagué, who are currently unemployed and in search of employment.Downloads
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Tamayo Solórzano, H. Y. Tejada Durán, O, M & Soto, A. I. (2022). Fortalecer el perfil laboral es posible implementando estrategias de Marketing Personal: La solución está en sus manos. Contexto, 10(1), 14-22.
How to Cite
Tamayo Solórzano, H. Y., Soto, A. I., & Tejada Durán, O. M. (2022). Fortalecer el perfil laboral es posible implementando estrategias de Marketing Personal. Contexto, 10(1), 14-27.
Artículos Resultado de Investigación