Municipal financial strengthening through events producing surplus value

  • Alejandro Alberto Ruiz Hernández Universidad de Ibagué
Keywords: Financing, generator events, participation, surplus value, urban design.


Participation in urban surplus values holds its source on the tax power assigned by the Constitution upon municipalities to establish taxes, to be used in funding territorial development, in exercising their political and tax autonomy. For participation by municipalities in urban surplus values, the producing events hold their source in administrative decisions which configure the urban action, in this case, research was made in other territorial entities of Colombia, in order to analyze the reason of existing, taking into account the legal, technical, procedural and financial part. Surging of the obligation depends on administrative decisions made by the municipalities in exercise of the urban design public function: Urban actions provided by the law as generator events, delimitation of an homogeneous zone would benefit the surplus value, calculation of surplus value, and assessment of surplus value for each real property. Urban actions, events causing participation of municipalities on urban surplus values, should be contained or authorized in the territorial arrangement plans, or instruments which develop and complement such plans, which will be taken into account, either as a whole or on separated basis, to determine the effect of surplus value, or additional rights of construction and development, as the case may be.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Alberto Ruiz Hernández, Universidad de Ibagué
Abogado especialista en Derecho Comercial, candidato a Magister de Planificacion Urbana y Gestion Ambiental, profesor investigador de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Ibagué, Catedratico de la Universidad del Tolima, Asesor Juridico del Municipio de Ibagué en asuntos de Ordenamiento Territorial y consulor de firmas Constructoras
How to Cite
Ruiz Hernández, A. A. (2016). Municipal financial strengthening through events producing surplus value. Contexto, 5, 153-159.
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