A new vision to the role of public accountant

  • Andrea Castro Uribe Universidad del Quindío
  • Leidy Tatiana Ortiz Patiño Universidad del Quindío
  • Valeria Rivera Quiguanás Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: Competitiveness, education, ethics, profile, relevance.


This research shows some of the reasons why Public Accountants have lost relevance within the past years in terms of their important role in the socio economic development of the country specifically in Armenia city, Quindío Region emphasizing on key points that during the research evidenced a clear disarticulation with contributions that should be made out of their profession and the consequences brought up by certain attitudes of indifference and lack of leadership. The importance of this study resides in the fact that the grounds for a new vision of the accountant profession can be established highlighting the weaknesses so new solutions can be brought up to re direction their professional performance.


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How to Cite
Castro Uribe, A., Ortiz Patiño, L. T., & Rivera Quiguanás, V. (2013). A new vision to the role of public accountant. Contexto, 2(1), 151-170. Retrieved from https://revistas.ugca.edu.co/index.php/contexto/article/view/48
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