Tool design for the management of the environmental automotive practices in Armenia Quindío

  • Alejandro Ospina García Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Lina Marcela Sánchez Vásquez Universidad La Gran Colombia
Keywords: Management, environmental policy, solid waste, environmental impact


This article is about a proposal for a tool design for the environmental management to contribute mitigating the environmental negative impact generated by automotive shops in Armenia Quindío given that their productive activity has been held under poor control because of the entrepreneur’s lack of knowledge and awareness as well as the lack of support from the entities in charge of the environmental control and surveillance generating a deterioration of the environment and though putting at risk the quality of life of the city and surrounding inhabitants. The tools are proposed departing three environmental management plans to mitigate the negative environmental impact: waste management plan, occupational health plan specifically its environmental component, saving plan, and efficient use of water. Likewise, the impact generated can be evidenced and so what actions can be taken to avoid them. Also evidence is shown on how automotive shops in Armenia Quindío can be benefit by implementing these environmental practices, contributing to the improvement of the environment while they become more competitive companies.


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How to Cite
Ospina García, A., & Sánchez Vásquez, L. M. (2013). Tool design for the management of the environmental automotive practices in Armenia Quindío. Contexto, 2(1), 171-184. Retrieved from
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