Influences of the reasonability criterion in accounting representation and the rational decision making

  • Juan Pablo Hincapié M *Contador público y candidato a Magister en Contabilidad mención Investigación de la Universidad del Valle. Miembro del grupo de investigación Gestión y Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos (Gyepro). Profesor catedrático de los Seminarios de Epistemología de la ciencia; Teoría contable; Metodología de la investigación contable y Ética, moral y fe pública, en las Sedes Palmira, Zarzal y Norte del Cauca de la Universidad del Valle.
  • Lina Marcela Rincón A Contadora pública de la Universidad del Quindío. Candidata a Magister en Ciencias económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (México).
Keywords: Accountant representation, reasonability, decision making, bounded rationality, financial statements.


There are two objectives that mobilize the preparation of this article of reflection: on the one hand, is to perform a scan on the process of building the test of reasonableness and representation of financial statements, and other, it seeks to analyze and describe from the perspective of bounded rationality, incidents that occur on the process in making decisions of users of accounting information. The thesis here is that will hold the test of reasonableness has a direct influence on the representation in the financial statements and this criterion, in turn, determines the rational process of decision making of users of accountant information.


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How to Cite
Hincapié M, J. P., & Rincón A, L. M. (2017). Influences of the reasonability criterion in accounting representation and the rational decision making. Contexto, 6, 57-69.
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