Creating and consolidating sustainable businesses based on principles of corporate social responsibility

  • Martha Janneth Sanabria Martínez
Keywords: Environmental conflict, territorial reordering, sustainable enterprises, corporate social responsibility, solidarity management.


Business growth of Bogotá city and the Sabana Centro has not been rigorously planned, which brings as a consequence the progressive deterioration of the territory, affecting the environmental services and the health and well-being of the population. The public policy of land use in Bogotá and the municipalities represented in the Land Management Plans (for territorial planning) have remained in force for over a decade without being updated according to the realities of the territory. This research allowed the identification and characterization of environmental problems by determining the existence of three types of actors: recipients, generators and regulators, groups that maintain relations of cooperation, acceptance and conflict, prevailing conflictual relationships caused by the unequal distribution of environmental goods and services, which mostly affects the poorest and most vulnerable population (socioeconomic strata 1 and 2). In conclusion, the solution to environmental problems and environmental conflicts arising from business activity requires structural changes that incorporate the different actors, starting from rethinking the criteria of territorial reordering that be able to promote equity in the distribution of environmental services, incorporating the elements and principles of corporate social responsibility and good practices in sustainable companies, guaranteeing continuous improvement, and offering clean products of good quality and that have a favorable impact on the population’s health and well-being.


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How to Cite
Sanabria Martínez, M. J. (2017). Creating and consolidating sustainable businesses based on principles of corporate social responsibility. Contexto, 6, 101-113.
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