The environmental legislation and sustainable development in Salento, Quindío

  • Jenny Vanesa Arias
  • Juan José Zuluaga
Keywords: Sustainable developments, legislation, construction, open sky mining, tourism, Salento.


The present writing is product of an investigation advanced by the Environmental Law research hotbed of La Gran Colombia University Sectional Armenia, the topic at hand must be the application that is being given to environmental regulations in sectors protected as nature reserves, for the present object of study we selected the town of Salento in the department of Quindío, in order to assess the impact that can have the activities of open sky mining, construction and tourism in this area of the country and whether they contribute positively to sustainable development of the municipality. The focus of the research also aims to conduct a study on the constitutionality and legality of environmental regulations that currently are governing the country and if this in turn ensures the proper management of natural resources and hence sustainable development.


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