Damage to health: injury intangible useless to repair problem fully damage

  • Iván Mauricio Fernández Arbeláez Egresado y catedrático de la Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia, especialista en Derecho Contencioso Administrativo y, en Responsabilidad y Daño Resarcible de la Universidad Externado de Colombia
Keywords: Harm, damages, losses, repair, health.


With the object to the discern the unnecessary and problem of the incorporation inside the tipology of the immaterial damages of the damage to the health, this test was elaborated. In it is highlighted the concept ends up affecting the principle of full compensation, Since it incorporates standard concepts related to the valuation of the prychophysical integrity of human beings without addressing its worth component, implying generate similar allowances against different harmful impacts. On the other hand, explains how the damage to health is a concept that confuses the elements of damage and harmful, differentiation is essential in comprehensive repair the damage. Likewise, is exposed as damage to greet the compensation aspect of the consequences of the damage, ending confused with damage to life relationship. Finally wields the methodology incorporating the damage to health calls for a jurisprudence of concepts and know the technique of the previous, technique that should be found precisely in factual situations to the right to equality as it has exposed the constitutional court.


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