Italian positivist school in current Colombian criminal law

  • Hugo Andrés Sanz Morales especialista en Derecho Penal y Criminología (U. Libre de Pereíra).
Keywords: Positivism, schools, dangerism, author criminal law, preventive imprisonment, sanction, penalty.


This article describes criminal thoughts proposed by Italian criminal positivist school in XIX Century, which includes Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri and Garofalo as the maximum samples of this thought or criminal school; then we identify those institutes coming from this line of thought found in current Colombian criminal legal arrangement as understood since 1991 Political Constitution, as the pillar setting forth directions for punishment rules currently in effect; in our case, as provided by the criminal code (Law 599, 2000), and code of criminal procedure (Law 906, 2004).


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