Background on the limitations of the process of state responsibility of the court IDH

  • Diana Patricia Hernández Castaño Abogada Cum-laude de la Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia, especialista en Derecho Constitucional y en Derecho Administrativo de la misma universidad, y magíster en Derecho Público de la Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Keywords: Human Rights, international responsibility


This paper presents a description and an analysis of the main primary and secondary sources about the limitations of the judgment referred, through the use of an analytic-hermeneutical method, to build the theoretical basis of the three main aspects of the investigation: the access, the object and the effectiveness of the judgments. The article finds that theoretical advance has not been extensive, and it has been built primarily from within the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and therefore concludes that the lack of that legal-scientific analysis to determine the limitations from the same system construction regulations, leading to not have developed a system of protection more effective.


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Investigaciones en Derecho y ciencia política