Assisted human reproduction in the jurisprudence of colombian constitutional court and IACHR
Reproductive rights, human reproduction, right to procreate, Family planning
The use of assisted human reproduction is increasingly and more frequently, a need for people who naturally is prevented to procreate, need that has been dissatisfied due to the legal impossibility of access to these techniques, while lacking in the Colombian context, legislation that specifically regulates the issues concerning their use and implementation within the health system. However, despite the legal vacuum that characterizes this situation, the court, both constitutional and inter-American of human rights, is the one which has allowed, under certain parameters and considerations, that people with physical impossibilities to beget children benefit from the advances in science for this purpose. Against this background, this article aims to identify the context in which both the Constitutional Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, have decided to recognize the right to access to assisted human reproduction, as well as the requirements and parameters under which this recognition is presented. This, and based on a historical-hermeneutic analysis of jurisprudence produced by this courts on the matter, we conclude that both corporations recognize the right to access to assisted human reproduction techniques under substantially different considerations, much more permissive and garantistas when who decides is the international bodyDownloads
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