Repair to victims of armed conflicts: International experiences

  • Natalia Burbano Fernandez De Castro Business Marketing International
  • Ruth García Otero Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Repair, Victims, International Law, International Experiences, transitional process


The principles of truth, justice and repair should be the core during implementation of transition processes from war to peace, and from a dictatorship to democracy. In spite of the fact that International Law has claimed that every transition process should comply with the above mentioned components, there is no a unique formula to be taken into account by the States at the time of starting this sort of transitions. Practice has demonstrated that during transitions it is necessary to grant concessions, according the particular situation of each State. Such concessions should assign priority to meet victim needs and the civil society, and in turn, it is fundamental to take into account those interests of perpetrators having participated in such process.


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Investigaciones en Derecho y ciencia política