Science, individuals and rights

  • Francisco Carpintero Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: rationalist constructs, legal epistemology, legal ontology and metaphysic, the individual in the law, theories on justice.


Many university students do not dare to state that every human being is an individual, and that his/her basic rights surge from such personal condition. Rather than admitting this reality they have created theories on exclusively rational justice, designed on equality of subjects. It then results that individuals owe their rights to reasoning made by themselves; this reasoning use to be named constructs, both in physical theory and on theory on ethics. The author shows some traits of these rational constructions which prevail, as a manner of imperative schemes necessarily operative between man and the reality that the human kind tries to explain in each science, and how the mentality at its base has fallen with the crisis of traditional physics, without new methods of natural sciences having overcome this problem. Likewise, it highlights the functions of ‘things’ (legal ontology) which serve as links among men and also as instruments through which each one necessarily develops his personality.


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