Municipal management from the perspective of intelligent organizations and the legal field

  • Jennifer Isabel Arroyo Chacón (E) PhD. Gestión Pública y Ciencias Empresariales, Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP). Costa Rica
Keywords: Decentralized sector, municipal sector, intelligent organizations, and transforming leadership.


This text presents a proposal to improve the municipal sector management, from the perspective of intelligent organizations and the applicable legal framework, parting from an analysis to the problem undergone by this sector. For such purpose, it starts by analyzing the figure of decentralization in the Costa Rican legal system, and then it presents a detailed description of the sector problem, parting from results of the Municipal Management index, considering weaknesses of budget management, and analyzing the municipal tax management. Parting from this contextualization, it presents proposals from the field of organizations design, and from the legal perspective.From the approach of organizations design it is highlighted the need for transforming Leaders, the need for the caordic in the municipal field; it states the application of adhocracy on municipal projects, and implementation of systemic approach in the municipal field, everything in order to reach the model of new public management. From the legal framework, it is analyzed the need of making a systemic interpretation of the legal system in effect, and approval of a Municipal Tax Code, and amendment of laws which create municipal special taxes. It concludes with the urgent need of transforming and breaking the prevailing paradigms of municipal management, and advancing from the bureaucratic model to design of modern intelligent organizations.


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Investigaciones en Derecho y ciencia política