Prevalence of the right to equality over the right to difference in western democracy

  • Iván Mauricio Fernández Arbeláez Universidad La Gran Colombia
Keywords: Capitalism, democracy, economic man, equal rights, right to difference, work division.


The western democratic system is the product of the liberal bourgeois revolution victory; therefore, it is designed to protect private property and it´s based on a society of capitalist consumerism. This essay is intended to highlight this reality regarding a particular topic: the right to equality. This democratic equality seeks to standardize individuals, so they become systematic consumers of goods and services within the context of similar tastes and needs. This type of consumers implies an economic type of man, ergo, a productive man, a subject with purchasing power in an environment of bid and demand. This scenario causes contempt to the right to difference, this is, an inexorable disparagement for the unprofitable, that is to say, those who do not want to live within the laws of marketing and who simply wish to speculate (lazy) or serve without compensation of any kind (virtuous).


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