The body and the flesh in the bio-politics of Roberto Esposito

  • Laura Mireya Cardona Tamayo Magistra en Filosofía, Docente de la Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia y de la Universidad del Quindío,
Keywords: Human rights, mind-body dualism, phenomenology, person, politics.


In the present paper, it is argued that the affirmative bio-politics developed by Roberto Esposito, thought from the space of the impersonal, can be articulated very well with the phenomenology of the flesh of Merleau-Ponty when proposing the latter as an impersonal figure. The methodology of this writing is made through the exegesis of the concept of bio-politics of Esposito and a hermeneutic of Merleau-Ponty’s flesh phenomenology. In conclusion, it is posited that from the device of the person, it is not possible to think of an affirmative bio-politics, while it is from the space of the flesh as a figure of the impersonal.


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