Impact of human rights in the face of environmental displacement caused by climate change in the department of Quindío

  • Alejandra María Aguirre Fajardo Abogada, especialista en Derecho Administrativo, Magister en Derecho Público de la Universidad la Gran Colombia, Armenia, líder de procesos investigativos de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad La Gran Colombia, Armenia, Integrante del Grupo de investigación Derecho, Estado y Ciudadanía, de la misma Facultad. Correo:;
  • Javier Gonzaga Valencia Hernández Abogado. Ph.D. En Derecho Ambiental y de la Sostenibilidad. Profesor Asociado, Departamento de Jurídicas. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Universidad de Caldas. Director Grupo de investigación Estudios Jurídicos y Socio jurídicos. Universidad de Caldas. Correo:
Keywords: Climate Change, Environmental Displacement, Human Rights


Climate change as a product of global environmental change creates a problem that is little recognized legally and legally, that is, displacement due to environmental causes, however, given the consequences that this phenomenon causes for populations in general, specifically in terms of human rights. This phenomenon has been made visible a little more, creating challenges for the States regarding their recognition, attention and effective solution. The aim of this article is to make known the results of the research project, specifically what is related to the category of human rights analysis studied in the project, which showed that the Department of Quindío also suffers the consequences of climate change that generates environmental displacement, causing serious economic, social and cultural impacts on the communities that suffer from it, considering this displacement either as a consequence or as a form of adaptation to climate change, translating into a violation of human rights particularly those rights to a healthy environment, a dignified life, access to food, access to water, health and adequate housing. For this, the article is developed in a first moment showing the theoretical foundations of the displacement as environmental phenomenon and the existing nexus with the human rights, as well as a conceptual analysis of the elements that integrate these rights to contrast them in the cases under analysis and finally and as a result, the way in which the aforementioned rights are affected will be evidenced.


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