Justification of the connection of drug trafficking and political crime, based on the historical account

  • Sergio Trujullo Florián Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Jhonatan Montoya
  • Misael Tirado Acero
Keywords: Colombian Peace Agreements, collective memory, political crime, drug trafficking


The objective of this article is to describe, succinctly and through narrative, the most important events of the genesis of the peasant fight, the (Colombian) armed conflict, and its encounter with drug trafficking, in order to answer the question: How the connection between political crime and drug trafficking through historical narrative until the 1980s in Colombia could be viable? Social values have been destroyed with violent events that have caused war crimes, crimes against humanity, and war practices that have been devastating. However, the parties agree that the financing of the armed conflict is largely due to drug trafficking and its dynamics. The investigative method implemented in this reflection consists of a narrative with a qualitative approach, with the proposal of lines of thought through interpretive documentary research, and the reflexive process; it is based on the information obtained and analyzed in texts and articles of indexed journals. The main conclusion allows to demonstrate that the narration of a historical truth makes us reflect on the imposition of justice according to the context of the Colombian armed conflict, to verify the appropriateness of the political crime - drug trafficking relationship  


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Author Biography

Jhonatan Montoya


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