La The constitutionalization of the legal organization and the world of social life: the italian and colombian case

  • Adrian Zeballosf-Cuathin
  • Enrique Cáceres Mendoza


The porpuse of this work is explain the legal nature of the institution called “law constitutionalization”, also to stand out it´s importance and reach in the Italian and Colombian legal system. To comply those intensions, it´s used a cualitative metodology starting with the revision and analysis of documents of theorical references, at the same time comparing the constitutional legal systems -of both countries-, based on actual and existent doctrine, pretending to reach, using a logical deductive process, some propositive conclutions about the progresses that the law constitutionalization have radiated to all the aspects of the legal life, facing the challenges and objectives from the dinamic societies. Specifically, the conclution is that the form, matter and scope of law constitutionalization in Italy and Colombia have important differences in the way and intensity of that process, but, nevertheless, the patrons are similar and share some elements or common aspects, especially in the legal effectiveness of the human and fundamental rights.


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