Los The general features of the friendly composition in the colombian order

  • Mónica María Fuentes Mancipe
  • Diego David Barragán
Keywords: Agreement, justice, administration of justice, contract


One of the great needs of human beings is to be able to live with their peers and establish communication relationships; that in some cases can lead to the configuration of conflicts as a direct consequence of the social interaction that arises in society as a sample of the various individual and social interests of human beings above the general interest.Conflicts that undoubtedly can be solved at present through alternative methods for the resolution of conflicts such as the friendly composition, being then the interest of this article, in terms of its concept, regulations, procedure and the role of the parties and the friendly composer in the search for effective and reconcilable solutions to different controversies in a different scenario from the judicial one, where the will of the parties and the principle of the autonomy of the contractual will is fundamental for its development.


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