Governance of corporate administration in state companies

  • Natalia Escobar Escobar
  • Melissa Ríos Sarmiento
Keywords: corporate governance, governance, state-owned companies


This article approaches, from socio-legal perspective, the problems of state-owned companies in the provision of public services that they undertake to guarantee, highlighting the need to implement a set of practices, processes and systems to direct and control property-owned companies, so that they regulate relation between shareholders, owners, the board of directors, senior management, and between the company and the interest groups, in order to face the challenges thar arise during public administration for which the strengthening of governance is proposed, through corporate governance guidelines, which lead to the generation of organized dynamics, administered with leadership and in the exercise of authority, through independent and deliberate decision-making processes, in order to make possible and efficient for the provision of service and its impact on society. It is evident that the State Public Companies-SPC, frequently do not generate systems or efficient processes, to direct and control the performance of the same, and avoid that the decision-making within the boards of directors is flawed, for which it is necessary establish Codes of Good Corporate Governance, which establish norms and standards of action for the boards of directors, which promote correct and independent decision-making, in a technical and informed manner, so that the direction and leadership of the SPC is based on objectives clear goals that achieve short, medium and long term.


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