Clauses of obedience to the law, civic honesty and global competitiviness

  • Jose Miguel Camacho-Castro Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt
  • Luisa Fernanda Arias Murillo
Keywords: Behavioral law, civic honesty, cognitive psychology, economic competitiveness, legal science, obedience to the law


This article examines the effect of law on people's behavior. Specifically, it focuses on general obedience clauses to the law, simple and generic constitutional norms that demand obedience from citizens. Do these constitutional provisions have any impact on people's honest conduct and the economic competitiveness of the countries where they live? To address this question, the study draws from cognitive psychology research that informs a field of economic analysis of law known as behavioral law analysis or behavioral law. Additionally, correlation tests (Pearson) and tests of association (T-test for difference of means) were conducted across four variables: obedience clause, civic honesty, global competitiveness in 2018, and global competitiveness in 2019. The results indicate that countries without obedience clauses tend to be more honest and competitive than countries with such clauses. This suggests that obedience clauses do not significantly influence people's honest behaviors or a country's competitiveness. Nevertheless, these general obedience clauses convey much more information than their plain text implies.  


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Author Biographies

Jose Miguel Camacho-Castro, Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt
Profesor de filosofía del derecho y editor general de la Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Armenia, Colombia. Abogado, especialista en derecho administrativo, magister en derecho con énfasis en teoría del derecho y doctorando en derecho. ORCID: https://orcid.
Luisa Fernanda Arias Murillo,
Abogada, psicóloga, especialista y magister en psicología jurídica. Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Armenia, Colombia.ORCID:


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