Toward an integrating and trans-disciplinary Justice

  • Diana Carolina Triviño Santa Abogada, especialista en Derecho Administrativo. (E) Mg en Derecho Público de la Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
Keywords: Justice, transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, evidence, evaluation.


Interaction surged between the judiciary official and the justice auxiliary in performance and subsequent evaluation of evidence within the jurisdiction, is placed within an interdisciplinary postulate, according to which, both of them perform their duties from their own scope of specialty, formation and competence, lacking of a real and full integration and dedication by both of them to serve justice. In this order of ideas, it is necessary to implement a practice of interdisciplinary justice between science of Law which the judiciary operator is the professional, and the other areas of knowledge which subject matter experts are the specialists, that procures integral administration of justice, but not segmented in its analysis. Through this article it is intended to demonstrate, according to results from application of collection instruments to judgments issued by the Administrative Court of Quindio, and perception of Magistrates of such court, relevance of evidence in assisting the judiciary official, and the need of modifying current paradigm of simple coordination and cooperation, by proposing reflection elements aimed at an eventual organization of legal consulting groups, or supporting groups within the Judiciary Branch, which provide the Judge with advise under a high degree of certainty and reliability, in those matters that the judge should deal with out of his formation scope, and procuring that judgment contributes effective and true solution, at the best extent adjusted to the reality.


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