Efficacy of reintegration program in the Department of Cauca, 2003-2015

  • William Darío Chará Ordóñez Politólogo, Mg. en Sociología, docente del programa de Derecho de la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca. Coordinador del semillero de investigación en conflicto armado, derechos humanos y justicia transicional. Correo:
  • Julián Andrés Valdés Mosquera Estudiante de último semestre del programa de Derecho de la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca e integrante del semillero de investigación en conflicto armado, derechos humanos y justifica transicional
Keywords: Colombian Agency for Reintegration, reintegration, illegal armed groups, armed conflict, law, Department of Cauca


The following article evidences achievements of the program of attention to population demobilized from illegal armed groups performed by the Colombian Agency for Reintegration in the Department of Cauca between 2003 and 2015. In order to establish the efficacy of institutional intervention and coherence with national law in matters of reintegration, the methodological design is based on documental analysis of the Colombian laws governing attention to reintegrated population, and analysis of aggregated statistical data provided by the Colombian Agency for Reintegration, in order to evidence the progress of such attention program in axles such as educative formation, reintegration to the civilian life, and promotion of productive undertakings, everything within a context of growing inclusion of demobilized population into the program in the Department of Cauca, a department undergoing presence of many illegal armed actors.


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