The human right to access to drinking water: some considerations about its compliance in Mexico

  • Rogelio Barba Álvarez Profesor Investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • Irma Salas Benítez Maestra en Derecho por la Universidad de Guadalajara y alumna del Programa del Doctorado en Derecho en la línea de Derecho Constitucional de la misma casa de estudios.
Keywords: Water, access, human right, guarantee.


The guarantee of the human right to access to potable water implies, beyond its positivation, an ethical aspect in the political and social will for its fulfillment. The lack of this element is manifested, as in the case of Mexico, in various economic, social and legal circumstances that represent unfavorable contexts for the realization of the right. The present document contains an approximation to these situations and their consequent affectations, both quantitative and qualitative, to the population in the exercise of the human right to access to drinking water, and those related to it.


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