The political perspective in the construction of an inter-American economic integration agenda from the Colombian experience

  • Natalia Escobar Escobar Doctoranda en Política y Gobierno de la Universidad Católica de Córdoba Argentina, Magister en Educación, Especialista en Derecho empresarial, Abogada. Actualmente es Docente investigadora de la Universidad Libre de Pereira e integrante del Grupo de investigación Derecho Estado y Sociedad de la misma universidad. E-mail:
  • Gonzalo Jiménez Jaramillo Doctor en Filosofía Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Magister en Administración e Ingeniero de Producción de la Universidad Eafit. Actualmente es Integrante investigador del Yewish Community Center de Medellín, Colombia . E-mail
Keywords: Economic integration, cooperation, politics, sovereignty, human rights.


This article points out the importance of the political dimension in the unification processes as a scenario for countries to enhance their growth based on their legal system and international legitimacy without detriment to their sovereignty. It also sets out guidelines that, based on the Colombian experience, allow the construction of a political agenda for economic relations within the inter-American framework and oblige the observance of human rights as the main condition for integration.


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