Analysis of the Purpose of Education: Dynamic Wholeness and Status Virtutis

Analysis about the aim of education: dynamic height and status virtutis

  • María Elisa Di Marco CONICET
Keywords: concept analysis, moral education, education Philosophy, aim of education, formation


This study presents a comparative hermeneutical analysis regarding the purpose of education between Francisco Ruiz Sánchez and Thomas Aquinas. Indeed, a close relationship can be glimpsed in both of them in the categorizations they propose, namely: the status virtutis in Thomas Aquinas and the dynamic fullness in Francisco Ruiz Sánchez. From the analysis carried out, the issues in common and dissenting aspects are established. It is concluded that the idea of perfection is common to both Ruiz Sanchez and Thomas Aquinas. In both conceptions a state is expressed: in the interpretation of Millán Puelles a character of finality is assumed, while in that of Ruiz Sánchez a nuance that rescues the dynamic process towards fullness, proper of the “homo viator” is perceived. Francisco Ruiz Sánchez takes for his theorization the idea of the state of virtue proposed by Aquinas. However, he specifies the state of dynamicity of man and the ordering of the different dimensions of the human being from the interiority and conduct, where the following come into play: the interior order ad extra, that is, towards the outside; the formation and the interior order itself. This results in the formation of correct habits and acts, thus giving the concept of dynamic wholeness a certain originality


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How to Cite
Di Marco, M. E. (2021). Analysis of the Purpose of Education: Dynamic Wholeness and Status Virtutis. Sophia, 17(1), e1011.
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