Pedagogical reflections on the teaching of philosophy in Colombia

  • Arlex Berrio Peña Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Keywords: Philosophy, eaching and training, Pedagogical research, Educational evaluation, Secondary education


Objective: The following article analyzes the characteristics of the pedagogical approaches, curricular contents and evaluation criteria that are used in the teaching of philosophy, in the academic medium, in Colombia. Method: To develop it, a bibliographic or documentary approach is used. Results: An educational goal in Colombia that is intended with the study of philosophy is the development of critical thinking skills. However, the pedagogical practices maintain models of traditional pedagogy, the curriculum is minimized to the study plan with history content and little possibility to generate reflective thinking. Discussion and conclusions: In Colombia there is no pedagogical, political, axiological and evaluative clarity of what is wanted with the philosophy that coincides with the organization of the curriculum and the study plan. The problematization of reality and the use of didactic and playful strategies are appropriate pedagogical dynamics to improve 'learning to think' from philosophy. Here there is a possibility so that pedagogically, curricularly and evaluatively the objective of achieving the production, if you will, of critical thinking is achieved.


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Author Biography

Arlex Berrio Peña, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Licenciado en Filosofía Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino. Magister en Filosofía Universidad del Norte. Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación Universidad de Cartagena. Docente de aula Secretaría de Educación de Cartagena. Docente catedrático Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (posgrados). Integrante de grupo de Investigación Rueca- Doctorado en Ciencias de la educación-Universidad de Cartagena. ORCID
How to Cite
Berrio Peña, A. (2023). Pedagogical reflections on the teaching of philosophy in Colombia. Sophia, 19(1).
Artículo de Reflexión