Analysis of a road system merging zone through a simulation model. One special case
This research focuses on the analysis of the motor vehicle traffi c through real scenarios simulation, in order to illustrate statistical advantages which come along with it, so a characterization of the current situation can be made seeking for an improvement on traffi c fl ow within a reasonable time and lower costs. Therefore a particular case of simulation is documented within the area between 7thavenue and 15th and 20th street Pereira city, introducing relevant variables of study such as: traffi c lights time cycles, lags between traffi c lights times, motor vehicles fl ow within the circuit, among others. These variables were obtained in person from the circuit of study at different hours of the day, every day of the week, exception Sundays with the purpose of getting averages at peak hours, traffi c congestion hours of the evaluated system. Once the values were obtained, the simulation model was built and ran, through specialized software. The results were compared with reality, achieving an average error rate of 5.71%. Finally, different confi gurations were analyzed, in order to fi nd a model that will improve the current system. A13% of improvement in traffi c fl ow was achieved with the developed simulation.KEY WORDS Traffi c Congestion, Gap, Hypothesis, Queuing, Theory, Random Error, Simulation, Traffi c.Downloads
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