Cultural relations in the acquisition of a foreign language

  • Luz Elena Cardona Castaño Universidad La Gran Colombia - Armenia
Keywords: Acculturation, Signical, Cultural Blends, Social Identity, Language social cognition


The Paper as it follows is presented as the result of a reflection on the implications of the process named acculturation in the development of linguistic competences, departing from the comprehension of the cultural phenomena affecting the learning of a second language. The reflection hereby presented is understood as an imminent complement of a previous research project on Neuroscience applied to foreign language acquisition, whenever the stage of the application of instruments designed with the purpose of creating a significant communication in both languages were applied. From this point, it was evidenced the necessity of revising the role of cultural relations in foreign language processes towards advance stages of language development. 


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How to Cite
Cardona Castaño, L. E. (2012). Cultural relations in the acquisition of a foreign language. Sophia, 1(8), 112-119. Retrieved from
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