City, aging and age-education Elements to unveil a conflict between the city and the city conceived practiced

  • Leonardo Alberto Vega Umbasía


Its article is the result of a research about on the uses and representations that old people have of the city. Its purpose is to reveal a conflict between the conceived city and practiced city, according with Manuel Delgado. It is warned, as hypothesis, that our cities have been formed without an inclusive arrangement with the elderly, as few people have worried about adapting the city´s infrastructures and services to be accessible to old people according to their different social conditions, needs and abilities . It is undeniable that this situation affects their quality of life, for the environment affects them in terms of insecurity, isolation and self development. Likewise, it is relevant to mention the challenge of education and, in particular, to allow the gerontology its to lead knowledge and reflection on the implications and challenges in the medium and long term derived from this process of population aging. Starting with a review of the phenomenon called demographic revolution in the global, regional and national levels; it is explored a conceptual approach addresses the city and the urban. Finally, the minimum elements that make up the existence of a conflict between those who plan, design and order the cities, and those who live on it, used and represent, are shown.Keywords:Education, age, city, urbanization, aging.


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How to Cite
Vega Umbasía, L. A. (2014). City, aging and age-education Elements to unveil a conflict between the city and the city conceived practiced. Sophia, 10(1), 50-63. Retrieved from
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