Sex education and citizenship

  • Claudia Liliana Bedoya Abella
Keywords: social representations, rights, sexuality, attitudes, values.


Sexual and reproductive rights are part of human rights and are protected by international law. As a teaching for the development of measures to promote the exercise of these rights in the education of adolescents, the Ministry of Education formulated a program for sexuality and citizenship.The education process must start from the knowledge of knowledge and understand the meanings that have teenagers and which are guided to act in relation to sexuality, so that they can make adjustments to strategies and education can assume their responsible.Knowledge of these meanings are made from social representations understood as an expression of the relationship that people have with the world and with others, forged in the interaction and contact with the discourses circulating in the public space, in addition, are programs of perception, constructions that guide for action and for reading of reality (Vergara, 2006). The teens in the study reported that the information on sexual and reproductive rights is basic, vague and insufficient and that obtained from the parents, school, friends and search on internet. Also agree on the need to provide awareness about the existence of these rights, with special emphasis on family planning and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.In educational campaigns should place greater emphasis on erotic roles, affective and communicative-relational sexuality, preserving the importance of reproductive function. 


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How to Cite
Bedoya Abella, C. L. (2014). Sex education and citizenship. Sophia, 10(1), 95-106. Retrieved from
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