Asking for the difference: questions on inclusion

  • Carlos Skliar Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Flacso, sede Argentina
Keywords: Difference, diversity, equity, inclusion


The purpose of this work is to analyze some dimensions of equity problem in education of our continent, special mention is made on Argentine situation, and relate that question to certain fundamentals, practices and reality of education named ‘inclusive’ in most countries of the continent. For such purpose, we will take as a reference the National Law on Education (Nr.26026, 2006), quantitative and qualitative data surged from the UN World Report “The right of disabled individuals to educationâ€, as well as some parts of reports by teachers during focus interviews regarding images found in educative scenaries on some “different†students, diversity, difference, and value attributed to school cohabitation. The main interest of the article will be being able to establish what type of perceptions surges from programs and experiences on inclusion which have been developed in the country, and which intention has been to turn educative environments into more equitable in Argentine and Latin America of the last decade.


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How to Cite
Skliar, C. (2016). Asking for the difference: questions on inclusion. Sophia, 11(1), 33-43. Retrieved from
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