Recycling experience in the production of building materials

  • Alejandro Salazar J. Profesor Ingeniero Director de I&D de la Corporación Construir*


In the modern World, there is a growing trend to use unconventional construction materials, in order to look for solutions to problems in society, such as: social interest housing, the construction of basic water storage and transportation infrastructure, the evacuation of served waters, roads construction, etc.All the prior, in order to substitute, partially or totally, the consumption of prime materials that are scarce or located in places distant from where they are required, reducing the permanent increase of costs they produce: so forth, there is a contribution to innovation and development as a bias to bring economic benefit and a great social and ecologic impact. Nowadays, these materials are known as ECOMATERIALS. 


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How to Cite
Salazar J., A. (1). Recycling experience in the production of building materials. Sophia, 1, 31-52. Retrieved from
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