The critical attitude a fundamental aspect of education
This article presents a reflection on the role of critical attitude in education, taking into account that the ability of thinking by oneself, and decide according to rational criterions, are decisive traits that every student should develop, in order to produce subject who evaluate knowledge. Another reason which makes it necessary, is that teaching seeks to promote formation of autonomous individuals, who actively participate in political, social and cultural life, which aspects involve critical and reflective exercise. The first part of the document presents some traits which identify critical education, as a model which promotes formation of human beings who think by themselves. Then, it researches on promotion of education practices that lead to development of logic and argumentative competences, since critical attitude involves a rational evaluation. Finally, the role of philosophy and science is highlighted, since they promote discussions on theoretic and practical problems. In conclusion, the need of encouraging critical attitude is priority element that education should take into account, if it wants to promote human beings and societies that face current problems on rational basis.Downloads
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