Design of a model of competitiveness for production line Wood furniture in Quindío

  • Álvaro Marín Gallego Profesores Asociados Facultad de Economía Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
  • Barlahan Aguirre Loaiza Profesores Asociados Facultad de Economía Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
Keywords: competitive advantage, chain of costs, technological culture, competitive strategies, differentiation of products, internal capacity, profile opportunities and threats profiles, corporative culture, analysis of vulnerability, competitive diamond model.


In the last decade the region known as Eje Cafetero, specifically the Quindiodepartment has been before the challenge that implies the change of its production model imposed by the coffee crop production crisis, the reduction of human development index, the liberalization on economic politics and in general, by the new models of economic integration that demand to design and apply new regional development strategies. This new dynamic has been promoting some sectors that can become the key for growth and development. That is the case of the wooden furniture production sector. The problem to solve is if this sector has the competitive conditions required by the new global market trends and if this sector is prepared to assume its role in that process. The following tries to make a diagnosis of the competitive conditions for the mentioned sector, pointed design a model for its competitiveness on the basic of: a) a survey on the national and regional production of wooden furniture, and b) the specific analysis on a pilot firm among more than 30 relevant enterprises in the Quindio region which allows to design the model to get the competitive conditions not only for that single firm but for the rest of thenin the sector. This study is based on the primary information gathered by theauthor on the basis of a reliable field work in the pilot firm, which analysis andresults produce the model as seen in the following pages.


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How to Cite
Marín Gallego Álvaro, & Aguirre Loaiza, B. (2006). Design of a model of competitiveness for production line Wood furniture in Quindío. Sophia, 2, 109-134. Retrieved from
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