El The legal status of the city of Jerusalem and its implications in international

  • Martín Canepa Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Keywords: Palestine, Israel, Legal status, Occupation


The present work intends to analyze the current conflict around the city of Jerusalem through the different elements that constitute the main center of the controversy, including the legal, religious, political and historical elements. The conflict, in turn, confronts two different subjects, on the one hand a State, the Israeli State; on the other, the Palestinian Authority, which is not yet recognized as a State, with all the rights and obligations that such a condition implies (Mouton, 1996, p.967). The methodology used here (consists) of the analysis of historical sources, current data of international organizations, and doctrine of the International Court of Justice. The most significant conclusion, drawn from the results of the present work, is the confirmation that the conflict around the city should be resolved taking into account the positions of the two parts involved, the needs of the population, and the background of the negotiations so far carried out.  


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Author Biography

Martín Canepa, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  Abogado. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Jefe de trabajos prácticos en Derecho de la Integración. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Jefe de trabajos prácticos en Derecho Internacional Público. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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