El The Power of Collaboration: Evaluating a Groundbreaking New WeQ Test

  • Tobias Schnitzler Mr.
Keywords: collaboration, collaborative learning, WeQ test, start-ups


 In the last ten years there has been an increase in research on the concept of collaboration. This paperoffers outcomes of collaborative learning with mixed methodological approaches and empirical datagained from a WeQ-test, guided-interviews, an online-survey as well as case studies. Hence, this papercontributes with a new, innovative WeQ-test. In more detail, the WeQ-test relates 42 statements, sixtopics and nine individual factors. The questionnaire asks for the participants’ views and how theyperceive the views of their team members. The WeQ-test evaluates the quality of a team. Regardingthe use of the WeQ-test in start-ups and NGOs an empirical study was designed. With the findingsgained from this research, the project more generally attempts to clarify what learning means withreference to organizational development. By doing so, this research project seeks to contribute to abroader scientific discussion in this interdisciplinary field.


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How to Cite
Schnitzler, T. (2021). El The Power of Collaboration: Evaluating a Groundbreaking New WeQ Test. Sophia, 17(2), e1024. https://doi.org/10.18634/sophiaj.17v.2i.1024
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