Education and information technologies: limits in the use of social networks

Límites en el uso de las redes sociales

  • Adriana Maritza Rivera Barreto Universidad Santo Tomás


A topic that summons the educational field globally, at present, is the appropriate use of social networks by adolescents, youth and young adults, especially. The reflections developed in this article deal with revealing some positions raised regarding this topic. The methodology used is a documentary analysis of relevant investigations, which have resulted in a series of risks caused by the inappropriate use of social networks, which can be grouped into sequelae of a behavioral nature. The results show that people repeatedly exposed to social networks show situations related to low self-esteem and anxiety. Among other situations, which as a common horizon end up affecting public health, particularly from the psychological-emotional field. It is concluded that the discussions or contests in social networks are related to the mobilization of emotions, leaving aside the rational element, therefore, it is decisive that in the educational process contents of areas such as argumentation, logic and rhetoric.


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Author Biography

Adriana Maritza Rivera Barreto, Universidad Santo Tomás
Licenciada en Idiomas Modernos Español- Inglés, magíster en Didáctica del inglés con énfasis en Ambientes de Aprendizaje Autónomo, candidata a doctora en Lenguaje y Cultura de la UPTC, Tunja, Boyacá. Integrante del grupo de investigación Ambientes Computacionales Educativos- GIACE. ORCID https://
How to Cite
Rivera Barreto, A. M. (2023). Education and information technologies: limits in the use of social networks. Sophia, 19(1).
Artículo de Reflexión