Distance education: teachers’ conceptions and democratization of teaching in postgraduate studies at unr
This paper is framed within an interdisciplinary research project (POL148, quadrennial: 2010-2013). We intend to analyze critically and reflexively the academic policies and the different teaching modalities that are being implemented in the UNR in relation to Distance Education (DE), in postgraduate studies, and its implications in the teacher training, in the academic management and in the teaching and learning methodologies to ensure that the university higher education system can be increasingly more inclusive and democratizing. In this production the importance lies in being able to unravel the conceptions that the distance teachers of postgraduate studies have in relation to the changes that occur in the teaching practice generally framed in a bimodal system; where face to face sessions and virtual sessions are blended. Furthermore, it is interesting to learn how to be able to incorporate different devices and didactical aids that might include information and communication technologies (ICT) following a pedagogical and socio-educational sense that would promote the democratization of the teaching.Methodologically, the work is done from an interpretive and critical perspective, applying the continuous comparative method and the inter-methodological triangulation.ÂDownloads
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